Saturday, January 17, 2009


While I agree with Charlie's central point that a Marxist revolution is not inevitable, I disagree with his reasons why, and instead believe that his reliance on the labor theory of value is flawed. His first point, that we have a variety of other classes which are in-betweens and make our society less polarized, requires examples - most social classes have the means of production, don't and serve those who do, or occasionally, such as lawyers, work in some other field that has nothing to do with either. However, it hardly seems to me that lawyers are going to prevent a proletariat revolution. Second, this election was not proof of propaganda being insufficient - Obama had just as much propaganda as anyone else, and simply used it better. Finally, Marx's point is that those who are poor and proletariat will need to tear down the entire structure of capitalism to achieve their aims - capitalism could accomodate civil rights, but it cannot accomodate the proletariat.

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