Friday, March 13, 2009


Fascism was, and is, an interesting ideology, to the point that either there is an American Fascist Party or some crazy guy made a website, though it isn't as if that hasn't happened before. The interesting thing about Fascism is that it's so simple, and it must have been how government originally emerged - some guy was just charismatic enough, and had a large enough group of soldiers, that he convinced everybody else to listen to him. The fact that this kind of leadership emerged instead of democracy, which is one of the most complex forms of government, indicates the degree to which Italy was devastated by World War One.
The other interesting aspect of fascism is the degree to which it derives itself from democracy - the closer a form of government gets to completely expressing the will of the people, the easier it is for a charismatic person to seize power by convincing the people he should have it. It's a vicious cycle.

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