Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hitler's Rise to Power

Hitler's rise to power is a fascinating exercise in the power of oratory to control people. According to wikipedia, Hitler's rise to power was largely due to his oratory and organizational abilities, as well as his willingness to use any means to get to where he is. My first thought about the election of Hitler, as with most people, is that he was a mad dictator and there's no way I wouldn't have personally opposed him. However, upon thinking about it, something about having a man come to power who is going to solve all the problems appeals to me on some level. Thinking about a government like ours, where the people are against so many things and have so many little views that the government has to respond to, sometimes I think that it would be better if we could just have one person take over and deal with everything, and that's how I imagine Germany must have felt before Hitler - and now, Hitler is the reason people tend to not give in to those thoughts.

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