Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Anti-Aircraft Tanks

The Heer was not without its share of weapons with which to defeat the Luftwaffe. While I am still working on the concept of what exactly a land vs sea battle consists of, the Luftwaffe can clearly be fought by the glorious land army. The Heer did not only fight the enemy air force with stones and hope; there were also the Ostwind, Flakpanzer, Mobelwagen, and Wirbelwind. All four of these were highly effective anti-air weapons, developed later in the war, once, I quote wikipedia, "In 1943, due to the waning ability of the Luftwaffe to combat enemy ground-attack aircraft, ground-based anti-aircraft weaponry was becoming increasingly important to the Wehrmacht." Let us note the phrase "waning ability of the Luftwaffe to combat enemy ground-attack aircraft." This statement says something: that the Luftwaffe is secondary, and that the Heer was called in whenever it proved too weak to accomplish actual tasks.

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